Friendships And Inspiration as the Keshes Visit Indiana

Amy Steffy took the initiative to arrange a recent visit of John and Peres Keshe to the United State (August 2023). Its purpose was to renew and enhance relationships with the many KCEA friends and supporters in the vicinity of Indianapolis, Indiana. Many of these supporters are part of the Connection Pointe Christian Church (CPCC), which has been such a phenomenal supporter of the work of the Keshes' not only in girls education, but also in water projects, and community development.

The Keshes' two week visit flew by – with a combination of inspiring group meetings and extended conversations with individual supporters. For example, they relished participation in one of the CPCC Bible studies of about 15 people – who got to learn more about the many dimensions of the Keshes' work supported by CPCC – including well-drilling (see blog) and milk collection (see blog). Similarly, Amy and her husband Aaron hosted an open house of about 30 people. Many of the people who attended these meetings were captivated by the earnestness, dedication and effectiveness of the Keshes (and the importance of what they are doing). So a number of them will be becoming sponsors for Maasai girl's education.

Another promising event was a meeting with leaders of Mission Uprising. Their emphasis is on people's participation in events that can transform their lives; Mission Uprising is optimistic about the possibility of arranging future activities in Kenya in partnership with the Keshes. This concept of engagement and transformation will 'ring-true' to KCEA supporters. Quite a few of them have had the opportunity to visit Kenya and be inspired by the Keshe's work and their Maasai communities. Part of the uniqueness of KCEA is the diversity of its supporters who have become engaged – many come from church communities, many met John through his past work at the MSU hyena camp, and some have happily learned in other ways.

In summary, friendships and the US KCEA community were powerfully enriched by this visit. KCEA thanks Amy for the BIG effort in organizing it and KCEA thanks John/Peres for the time, love and energy they invested in this trip.


Composite narrative: challenges faced by Maasai girls


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