KCEA Students Return to School

Since March of 2020, all schools and institutions have been closed for almost an entire year. This led KCEA to start providing a home-based learning program for students sponsored by KCEA. The program was a great success, keeping students engaged, providing access to critical healthcare and meals, and ensuring the students progressed in their studies.

In May of 2021, Kenya reopened schools and the students of KCEA were able to return to their classrooms. Historically, the Kenyan school year has followed the calendar year running January - December. This unprecedented disruption in the school year due to Covid-19 has led the Kenyan government to re-evaluate the school year and to roll out a new school calendar marking the beginning of the school year in May.

John Keshe, founder of KCEA and local to the Maasai Mara said “Since our students have been in home-based school we were not badly affected as our students were informed, encouraged, and supported throughout the process. Many thanks to KCEA and our generous sponsors! The long school break due Covid-19 has really impacted other students in the country negatively as many get out of school, for early marriages, teenage pregnancy, casual work for their survival and families, etc.” We are incredibly grateful for our sponsors and donors that made it possible to not only keep existing students enrolled in their studies but also to expand our enrollment class this year adding 6 new students to the program.


Abigail: Girl from Oloongila


KCEA Hosts Life Skills Workshop